Jonathan Chen

Position title: Fraternity & Sorority Life Specialist

Pronouns: he/him/his


Academic Background
North Carolina State University, B.A. in Psychology, Minor in Theatre; North Carolina State University, M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration
Favorite Things & Passions
Hiking, running, kayaking, exploring new spaces, learning about the world around me, baking, trying different foods, photography, reading Webtoons.
Favorite Quote
“Good morning. You are perfectly cast in your life. I can’t imagine anyone but you in the role. Go play.” – Lin Manuel Miranda
What being a part of Fraternity and Sorority Life means to Jonathan
Fraternity and Sorority Life means helping students find a place that is home for them and celebrates them and helps them grow as individuals. I believe that every student has a place in a Greek organization, it is just a matter of finding the one that best aligns with your values, and you can call home. My experiences have helped shape me as a leader and a friend, and I hope to continue the same work with students.
Headshot of Jonathan Chen smiling.