We understand that not everyone has the same knowledge and background regarding fraternities and sororities, so we’ve put together a list of terminology that is used in the community.

Active Member
An initiated fraternity or sorority member who is affiliated with a chapter on campus.
A formal invitation to join an organization.
The local collegiate group of an (inter)national fraternity or sorority.
Indicating a new member has initiated and become a member of an organization, most frequently used by MGC/NPHC organizations.
The monetary costs of membership in a fraternity or sorority. These fees are used to cover the costs of operation, formal events, social activities, and other events that the organization may have.
Process by which MGC and NPHC fraternities and sororities recruit and select new members. Generally includes an application and interview process, followed by an educational program, then initiation (generally known as “crossing”).
A new member of a MGC or NPHC fraternity or sorority.
Potential New Member (PNM)
Someone going through the process of joining an organization.
A formal ceremony containing the values, traditions, and beliefs of an organization.
A series of rhythmic body movements in tune with chants and songs, most frequently used by MGC/NPHC organizations.
The fraternity or sorority to which an individual belongs.
A mentor assigned to a new member or neophyte.
Chapter Facility
Also known as a Chapter House; a physical structure where members live. Chapter facilities are typically owned and operated by private corporations or organizations. Not all chapters have a chapter facility.
A student-led governing body for its member groups. The four councils at UW-Madison are IFC, MGC, NPHC, and PHA.
A newly formed, not yet chartered, local collegiate group of an (inter)national fraternity or sorority.
A group of individuals going through the membership intake process together; most frequently used by MGC/NPHC organizations.
New Member
A person who has accepted a bid but is not yet initiated into a sorority or fraternity.
The process through which sororities and fraternities acquire new members.
A way to honor an organization's past and current accomplishments, often incorporating motions; most frequently used by MGC/NPHC organizations.
A line of members moving with the same motions, most frequently used by MGC/NPHC organizations. If you see people strolling, please don’t break/cut in the line.
A fraternity or sorority membership insignia; often a physical pin.
A vocal expression used by members of MGC and NPHC fraternities and sororities. Please do not repeat a call or response. It is considered a sign of disrespect
Coat of arms or other symbolism that represents the organization and its principles.
Divine Nine (D9)
Refers to the nine organizations that make up the National Pan-Hellenic Council.
A formal ceremony during which a potential new member takes their final oaths for full membership into a fraternity or sorority.
A fraternity or sorority that is not affiliated with a national organization.
A non-profit cause that a fraternity or sorority supports through awareness events and fundraising.
Recruitment Counselor
A representative for Panhellenic Association who helps guide women through the PHA Primary Recruitment process, and answers questions.
A hand symbol unique to each MGC or NPHC organization. Please do not imitate an organization’s sign; it is a sign of disrespect.