Resource Guides
Fraternity & Sorority Life Resource Guide
During your time in FSL, you are likely to have many questions. To help provide knowledge and support, we have created the FSL Resource Guide. This guide includes topics regarding: The FSL Office, Councils, University Policies, Reporting, Chapter Resources, and Contact Information for other Departments. We hope that you find this guide to be a helpful resource.
Student Organization Resource and Policy Guide
The Center for Leadership & Involvement's Student Organization Resource and Policy Guide contains policies all Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) must follow, along with benefits available for RSOs to use.
Office Equipment and Sponsorships
Reserving Office Equipment
FSL has equipment that Councils and Chapters can reserve for events. If the event is council sponsored, the form needs to be filled out by a council member. Chapter events should be filled out by a chapter member. Equipment reservations are first come first serve. All reservations must be made at least two business days before the event.
Equipment Available:
- Tables
- A-frames
- Tent
- Speaker and Microphone
- Chapter Flags *Only for MGC and NPHC Chapters
- Extension Cords
- Cornhole
- Spikeball
Requesting FSL Sponsorship
FSL offers Departmental Sponsorship for room reservations and fleet vehicles.
The Department Room Reservation Sponsorship Request Form must be submitted at least 3 business days before the event in which sponsorship for a room/space reservation is needed.
The Department Fleet Vehicle Sponsorship Request Form must be filled out at least 2 weeks before the event in which a fleet vehicle is needed.
Fleet Reservation Information
Visit the Fleet Reservation Information website for more information regarding policies, information needed, fleet rates, and how to become an authorized driver.
Officer Transitions
Officer Contact Updates
Our office and council officers use various listservs to communicate information to chapter officers. If your chapter has had any officer changes, please use one of the following forms to update your officer contacts, to ensure your chapter doesn’t miss any important information.
IFC Officer Contact Form: This form is for any chapter that is part of IFC.
MGC Officer Contact Form: This form is for any chapter that is part of MGC.
NPHC Officer Contact Form: This form is for any chapter that is part of NPHC.
PHA Officer Contact Form: This form is for any chapter that is part of PHA.
Contact Replacement Update Form: This form is to only be used if you have two or less officer positions changing, or if you need to update your chapter advisor contact information.
WIN Primary Contact
As part of your officer transitions, outgoing presidents need to update the primary contact information on the organization’s WIN page.
- Primary contact must login to WIN and enter the “manage organization” section for the organization.
- Select “Roster”.
- If the new chapter president is not listed on the roster, send them and invitation. They will need to accept the invitation in order to become the Primary Contact.
- Once the new chapter president is on the roster, click on the pencil in the Primary Contact box.
- A box will pop-up listing all members on the roster. Select the correct Primary Contact.