The mission of the Multicultural Greek Council shall be to foster a unified multicultural community, to promote scholarship, service, respect, camaraderie and cultural awareness, while creating an inclusive and supportive network for future growth and development.
In 2003, the Multicultural Greek Council was formed by Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., and Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. Since then, many multicultural organizations have joined the council. Currently, MGC is Made up of 14 fraternities and sororities, one of which is co-ed.
Council Officers
President: Amaryssa Garcia
VP of Governance and Operations: Manal Mustafa
VP of Member Experience: Vanessa Jimenez
VP of Harm Prevention & Wellness: Shoua Yi Lee
VP of Community Relations: Manny Abrajan Rojas
VP of Cultural Development: Josiah Gomez
VP of Public Relations: Leo Olmos
MGC does not host a formal intake process. Each organization is responsible for their own unique recruitment processes and events, all of which welcomes people from various cultures, identities, and backgrounds. Chapters intake new membership throughout the year, and the new membership requirements and programs vary. If there is interest in a particular organization, contacting the organizations new membership/intake chair or reaching out to the organization via social media would be the first step.
If you are interested in gaining an insight on all of the organizations that belong to the Multicultural Greek Council, feel free to attend the numerous events sponsored by the MGC, as well as the various programs and activities held by its membership throughout the year. In order to be eligible for the intake process for any MGC organization at UW-Madison, you must fill out the interest form below.
Fall 2024 Events:
- Join MGC for Meet the Greeks on September 12th at 5:00 PM at the MGC Room in Memorial Union!
Follow the MGC Instagram, @MGC_Madison, to stay up to date on MGC!
Intake Forms
If you are a chapter officer looking for the intake forms, you can find them on the Chapter Leadership page.