The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life grounds its social justice, equity and inclusion work in the following definition by Dr. Lee Anne Bell:
“We believe that social justice is both a process and a goal. The goal of social justice is full and equal participation of all groups in society that is mutually shaped to meet their needs. Social justice includes a vision of society in which the distribution of resources is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure. We envision a society in which individuals are both self-determining (able to develop their full capacities) and interdependent (capable of interacting democratically with others). Social justice involves social actors who have a sense of their own agency as well as a sense of social responsibility toward and with others, their society, and the broader world in which we live. These are conditions we wish not only for our own society but also for every society in our interdependent global community.”
We acknowledge that part of social justice is learning, understanding and own our history so we can determine our future. We are currently developing a site that covers the fraternity and sorority life history both nationally and locally at UW-Madison.
Social Justice Framework

All students apart of the FSL community at UW-Madison will have the opportunities to engage in social justice education and work throughout their membership and the Social Justice Framework was developed with that mission in mind.
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Foundational Knowledge
- Acquisition of unbiased historical, cultural, and geographical context
- Recognizing of self, building awareness of the systems, and developing skills within society
- Gain an understanding of inequalities/disparities, power/privilege, and how they play out among identities within society
Cultural Self – Awareness
- Exploration of one’s personal and social identities
- Understanding how one’s personal and social identities interact with and impact others
Community & Self Care
- Ensuring that personal basic needs are met and advocate when they are not met
- An intentional act to care for one’s and others well being and identities
- Develop the ability to deeply empathize with others with differentiating identities and cultures
Authentic Engagement
- Building authentic relationships through one’s chapter, council, campus, and society.
- Engaging in mindful experiences (ie. dialogues, workshops, activities, etc.) around difference and discourse where learning and perspective taking can exist
- Leading by example to help others become authentic contributors
Enacting Positive Change
- Process of actively challenging and changing policies, removing barriers, and advocating for and with historically marginalized identities
- Ability to advocate and speak and/or listen about personal lived experiences to create more inclusive environments
- Outward practice of identifying and addressing social issues with one’s chapter, the FSL community, on campus, in the Madison community, and beyond
Restorative Community
- The practice of repairing harm that has been caused both individually and community-wide
- Holding organizations and members accountable when harm is caused
- Individually and organizational development as a result of restorative outcomes
Framework References
The Fraterinty & Sorority Life Social Justice Framework with was developed in collaboration with student leaders, campus partners and administrators. In addition much research as done reviewing work done by pervious professional at universities in throughout the United States, please see below.
- University of San Diego Administrators. “Co-curricular Learning Outcomes.” Fall 2021,
- University of Marquette Administrators. “Co-curricular Learning Outcomes.” Fall 2021,
- University of Nebraska – Omaha Administrators. “Co-curricular Learning Outcomes” Fall 2021.
- North Arkansas College Administrators. “ Co-Curricular Student Learning Outcomes.” Fall 2021,
- California State University, San Marcos Administrators. “Co-Curricular Learning.” Fall 2021.
Social Justice Resources
Below you can find a plethora of on and off campus social justice resources. These resources cover education workshop, individual educational learning opportunities, ways to make your chapter more inclusive and more.
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Social Justice Workshops & Support Requests
Inclusive and Equity Consulting:
- Opportunity chapters and councils to work with staff and/or student leaders to increase inclusion and equity at chapter events and in their policies.
Office of Inclusion Education:
- Educational Workshop: Please note that requests are not guaranteed commitments until they are confirmed by staff. Requests are accepted dependent upon facilitator availability and organizational capacity. Priority will be given to workshop requests that are for UW-Madison students. We ask for a commitment of at least 15 attendees by the requesting group. The requesting group is responsible for providing space and accommodations unless otherwise specified. Please request workshops at least 3 weeks in advance.
- Social Justice Leadership Retreat – The Social Justice Leadership Retreat (SJLR) helps students explore their personal stories and experiences in relation to their peers and in the contexts of systems of power and oppression. SJLR is held annually. Find more information, here
- LGBTQ+ Crossroads – collaboration between the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center (GSCC) and the Office of Inclusion Education. It is a “Uniquely Wisconsin” approach to addressing the intersectional realities of our student’s lives. This initiative bridges the work of both the GSCC and Inclusion Education to address the needs of students living in the intersections of race, sexuality, gender, and other layers of identity.
Chapter Leadership & Member Resources
Chapter Event Resources:
- List of religious and ethic holidays observation
- This is not exhausted list of religious or ethic holidays and it important to acknowledge, value and celebrate members beliefs and customs.
- Social Theme Guidelines
- When planning events it important think and/or research the theme your chapter is thinking about doing to ensure that it will not appropriate, harm and make fun of any identity, culture and backgrounds.
Chapter Educational Resources:
Social Justice Engagement Resources
- Social Justice Hub, Social Justice Classes at UW – Madison Resources
- Course offered on campus for students to take to further engage in topics
- Social Justice Hub, Social Justice Book and Documentaries Resources
- List of books and documentaries for students to future engage in social justice topics
- Social Justice Hub – Social Justice Hub is committed to connecting UW-Madison students and staff to all social justice-related initiatives in our community through professional and volunteer opportunities, educational and dialogue-based events, comprehensive social justice resources, and intentional partnerships on campus and in our broader community
- Fill out the Social Justice Hub interest form to tell us of your interest to get involved. Current programs and team focus on:
- Criminal Justice Reform
- Housing Equity Action Team
- Food Justice Collective
- gALPHA (free four-week program designed to help UW-Madison students create innovative solutions to problems)
- Fill out the Social Justice Hub interest form to tell us of your interest to get involved. Current programs and team focus on:
Council Resources
Interfraterinty Council (IFC): The IFC council in 2021 elected their first Vice President of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion to prioritize social justice and equity work throughout the IFC fraternity community. If you have questions, concerns or ideas related to social justice related to IFC community, please reach out to at
Multicultural Greek Council (MGC): The MGC council in 2022 elected their first Vice President of Cultural Development to continued to prioritize social justice and equity work throughout the MGC community. If you have questions, concerns or ideas related to social justice related to MGC community, please reach out to at
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): In 2024 the role of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion was moved to the Vice President role on the council. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas related to social justice and the NPHC community, please reach out to
Panhellenic Association (PHA): The PHA council in 2021 elected their first Vice President of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion to prioritize social justice and equity work throughout the PHA sorority community. If you have questions, concerns or ideas related to social justice related to PHA community, please reach out to at
Recruitment Resourses
Hate & Bias Reporting
Each governing council and the FSL office takes reports of hate & bias seriously, please report if you are witness or experience any form of hate or bias in connection of one of the our affiliated fraternities or sorority.
FSL Community Reporting:
- Interfraterinty Council Reporting Form
- Multicultural Greek Council Reporting Form
- National Pan-Hellenic Council Reporting Form
- Panhellenic Associate Reporting Form
UW Madison Campus Reporting: This reporting forms go straight to the Hate & Bias team in the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards.